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發佈日期: 2014-07-18




El Injerto 2014

 Farm Name 莊園名稱 : El Injerto
Coffee Name 咖啡豆品名: Pandora Concepcion - Pacamara
National Judges : NA
Lot 批次# : EI05 (2014年採購批次)
Crop Year(s) 作物年份 : March 9, 2014
Variety 品種 : Pacamara (帕卡瑪拉)
Process 採收處理 : Hand picked(手摘), washed(水洗), sun dried(天然日曬). Specialty grade prep(後製特別調整生豆含水率).
Elevation 栽種海拔 : 5200 feet (1580 mts)
Avg. Temp 栽種均溫 : 21C
Avg. Rainfall 降雨均量 : 1650 mm
Growing Region 栽種區域 : La Libertad, Huehuetenango
Owner 所有者 : El Injerto S.A.
Certifications 認證 :
Rain Forest Alliance (雨林聯盟)
Description 關於帕卡瑪拉 :

Pacamara is a variety result of the breeding of four generation plants of Typica natural mutation Pacas and  red Maragogype. It was conceived in the Genetic Department of the Salvadoran Institute for Coffee Research (ISIC) back in 1958. According to Salvadoran studies, Pacas was discovered in San Ramón farm located in Santa Ana department.  Maragogype instead is a natural mutation of Typica founded in 1870 in Bahia, Brazil.


Cupping Notes:

Our four times winner 1st Place at COE comes from Pandora Region! This is the Second picking of this region. Complex floral and honey notes. Peaches with juicy sweetness and citric notes.
