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2010年-巴拿馬La Esmeralda-鑽石山近期推出~

發佈日期: 2010-10-01

Hacienda La Esmeralda-Diamond Mountain的環境保護宣言

Diamond Mountain is produced by Hacienda La Esmeralda and grows in the highlands of Panama (1,400m+), in the regions known as Cañas Verdes and Jaramillo on the outskirts of the town of Boquete. The rich volcanic soil of the region is ideal for growing coffee, and the combination of altitude and shade trees produces a rich and complex cup with enticing fruity, chocolaty and spicy notes.

A large portion of this coffee grows under huge native trees in the region of the Volcán Barú National Park, trees the coffee shares with beautiful Quetzals, as well as multiple varieties of other birds and packs of howling monkeys.
Comprised by varieties of Typica, Bourbon and Catuai, Diamond Mountain is an eco-friendly coffee, Rainforest Alliance Certified, meaning, among many other things, that the wildlife habitats aren’t disrupted, that water sources are kept clean and unpolluted, and that the workers are treated justly and fairly.
We know that if we indiscriminately cut down trees, or prune during nesting season, we will forever change the migration pattern of birds, and they will no longer be a part of our daily life, so we don’t. We conserve our ecosystems, wildlife and water sources. We reforest with native trees, ban hunting, and protect our water sources with vegetative barriers. We believe strongly in each individual’s responsibility towards nature and others. It is an integral part or our way of life and the way we run our business. Diamond Mountain, slow in ripening due to high altitude and shade trees, is the delicious outcome of this belief.

鑽石山是由Hacienda La Esmeralda在巴拿馬Boquete town的Cañas Verdes和Jaramillo所設立的咖啡栽種區,海拔標高為1400M,此區域為火山區,豐富的火山土壤對咖啡樹的栽種是非常理想的!高海拔和天然原始林遮蔭,培育出非常完美的咖啡果實!甜度極佳,口感豐富~此地區也是巴拿馬Volcán Barú國家公園的一部份,對於天然原始林及野生動物的生長環境極為保護,在這裡擁有非常豐富的自然生態,你可在此觀察到品種多樣的鳥類及彌猴,因為特別對於咖啡的栽種及天然環境的影響降到最低,對於天然環境的保護不遺餘力!在這樣的努力下也獲得了雨林聯盟認證及鼓勵,意味著在咖啡栽種過程之中最優先考量的是不破壞野生生物棲所及水源始終保持乾淨和未受汙染,並且栽種者也獲得相當妥善的生活照顧,這是一種非常良性的循環~我們知道,如果在鳥類產卵季節期間,如果又進行樹體修剪,那將會影響鳥類的繁殖和遷移模式!為了生態生生不息,必須致力保存我們所擁有的生態系、野生生物和水源!也是一種必須努力實踐的信念及作為!