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發佈日期: 2010-05-27


CLYDESDALE Estate Blue Mountain No.1 牙買加-克列茲莊園純正藍山豆已入庫,近期將正式推出~

位於牙買加中部的Clydesdale產區平均海拔高度為1000公尺左右,因為位於中部,所以也被稱為"牙買加之心",這地區附近有最大的牙買加國家公園及森林保護區~ 此莊園於西元1700年由英國的Colin McClarty博士所創立,由於一次的旅遊到達了此克列茲地區被此地區的環境氣候所吸引,因此就決定定居下來繼而設立了克列茲莊園,這個莊園也是牙買加咖啡開始作商業化經營的最初的莊園之一!當地的附近的農民得知Dr. Colin  McClarty所銷售出口的咖啡因為品質好,十分受到市場歡迎,所以農民也跟隨這位科林博士開始種植咖啡,並於開始出口~科林博士當初所經營的咖啡莊園目前已經沒有在營運,但是當時所使用的生產設備如生豆精製工廠、水車、生豆乾燥工廠目前都還保存在當地並且被牙買加政府以國家文化遺產保留!目前所出口的Clydesdale藍山咖啡是當地咖啡農以良好的Typical鐵畢卡種咖啡樹持續種植並以Clydesdale Blue Mountain品牌出口到全球各地~

Origin of the Clydesdale Estate

Clydesdale Estate was founded in the late 1700s by Dr. Colin McClarty, a British national who came to Jamaica for what he thought would be a short visit but fell in love with the country and decided to stay. It was one of the first estates to plant coffee commercially in Jamaica. Following Dr. McClarty example and realizing the excellent quality coffee produced in this area, other farmers ventured into coffee production in the vicinity of Clydesdale Estate. It is from these beginnings that the Clydesdale coffee region evolved. Clydesdale Estate Coffee was first exported in the late 1700s and because of the exceptional quality of the beans, it has remained an important coffee growing region since.

Clydesdale Coffee Today

Although no longer in operation, the Clydesdale Estate factory, drying patios, and water wheel can still be seen and still stand after more than two hundred years. Once a favourite getaway for honeymooners, the Clydesdale Great House along with the factory, have now been appointed by the Government of Jamaica as a National Heritage site. The farmers in the Clydesdale coffee region have continued the tradition and still produce an outstanding quality coffee, only of the Typica variety. The Clydesdale brand represents coffees from this region and other select regions within the Southern slope of the Blue Mountains, which is the oldest coffee growing area in the Blue Mountains. In a new decade of excellence, the producers of Clydesdale coffee continue to celebrate the old traditions that have made this coffee world renowned.

文章參考資料: Coffee Traders Ltd