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Dilmah 帝瑪伯爵茶(獨立包)2gx100bag


金額: 545 NT

Dilmah is not just another brand of tea. Dilmah is unique; a brand that is founded on a passionate commitment to quality and authenticity in tea, it is also a part of a philosophy that goes beyond commerce in seeing business as a matter of human service. Founder of Dilmah, Merrill J. Fernando, declared his commitment to tea when in the 1950s he devoted his life to tea. Four decades later he was joined by his two sons, Dilhan and Malik (after whom he named his Dilmah Tea) who share his passion. Tea is Nature’s gift to mankind. A beverage that heals, protects and refreshes, it is also infinite in variety, changing subtlety with the natural alchemy of sunshine, soils, wind, rain and temperature. That beautiful variety in tea is as much a challenge as a deliciously indulgent reward for whilst nature gives us a tea to suit every mood, and desire, she demands expertise in understanding and selecting the finest. That expertise can only come from passionate commitment to tea.

Merrill J. Fernando
花了畢生時間於品茶, 也鑽研茶, 對於這個得天獨厚的國度, 茶葉, 是Mr.Fernando最引以自豪的資源! 茶是大自然給予我們最好的禮物, 而茶葉也必須透過土壤, 雨水, 風及氣溫的考驗, 才能散發出迷人的美妙風味!要孕育最好的茶就必須透過不斷的研究來了解自然環境自成的微妙平衡! Dilmah, 一種對茶的熱情及態度所創立的品牌, 代表的是一種超過商品本身價值的品質, 也是一種畢生對茶所投入的激情! Dilmah 制衡其他較大跨國茶商控制的全球茶業, 希望將最好的錫蘭茶直接供應給消費者, 希望透過直接產地品牌行銷, 讓錫蘭茶葉栽種者能獲得合理利潤同時也讓消費者可以直接購得高品質錫蘭茶! 如今, Dilmah已成為全球第三大茶葉品牌! 行銷於全球80多個國家,100%純錫蘭茶製造, 斯里蘭卡官方認證, 從採收到包裝, 全程一貫作業於產地完成, 在品質上榮獲ISO09002國際品質認證!


商品規格 -
成份: 紅茶.佛手柑香料 / 容量: 2g x 100bags / 產地: 斯里蘭卡