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Twinings 檸檬茶 T-13-20

唐寧 檸檬茶 -25bags

金額: 230 NT

Thomas Twining had a vision in 1706 to import the finest teas for London’s most discerning tea drinkers. More than 300 years later, Twinings has upheld that vision, delivering a collection of the finest teas enjoyed by tea drinkers around the world. Every sip of Twinings' tea is a marriage of experience—yours and ours. Our expert blenders source only the finest leaves cultivated to our exacting standards by trusted growers around the world. From these tea gardens we hand-select the leaves that will shape your next Twinings moment.

Twinings,1706年源起於湯瑪斯.唐寧一個夢想 -

300年來,Twinings 秉持著一樣的精神及願景,時至今日,唐寧茶已是全球知名高品質茶葉的代名詞!在英國,沒有人不知道 "Twinings",在英國人心中等於就是高級紅茶的代名詞!
Twinings 不僅是英國最古老、最資深的紅茶業者,其製造的茶品更擄獲英國皇室的鍾情,淵遠流長無人可及的製茶經驗,不但創造出許多美味的好茶,歷年來深受維多利亞女王、愛德華七世、喬治五世、亞歷山大皇太后與瑪莉皇太后等皇族喜好!同時也贏得伊莉莎白女皇頒贈出口產業獎勵的殊榮!
Twinings 創立至今已超過300年了!Twinings 的雙獅皇冠象徵著享有皇室御用茶的尊崇榮耀,同時也將其榮耀分享至全球各地~

Lemon Tea 

商品規格 -
成份:精選紅茶,檸檬香料,檸檬酸(調味劑),乾燥檸檬片 / 容量:2g x 25 bags / 產地:波蘭