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HOTTOP 生豆烘焙機 -可編程 KN8828P

電熱式生豆烘焙機(可編程) -250g

The Hottop Coffee Roaster has been developed in consultation and with professional coffee roasters and knowledgeable home experts, to ensure that the machine produces truly excellent freshly roasted coffee. Extremely well made, stylish and heavy duty and boasting features normally only found on commercial coffee roasters. Operation follows the principles of most large commercial drum roasters. The coffee is rotated in a stainless steel drum heated by an element, controlled by a sophisticated microprocessor that adjusts both the temperature and duration of the roast cycle to enable even newcomers to produce fantastic fresh coffee.

The Hot Top Programmable model- KN8828P is built on the very solid foundation of the Basic machine - with an even more dynamic user interface; the programmable model allows the user to create a "roast profile" - that is there are 8 stages to the roast for which you can set time, temperature and fan speed. Up to 9 programmed roast profiles can be saved and recalled. The machine has an Auto mode - so you do not need to program it. The LCD display gives you feedback on the roast at every point - so you can see where you are in the process. Programming the roast profile seems to be the "holy grail" for home roasters - because it gives you better control over the process.

自動滾筒烘焙鍋爐及可自行編制烘焙程式,其溫度/時間/火力強度可允許使用者依烘焙需求編寫,並且提供9組烘焙程式記憶,當然若無需設定,亦可使用原廠設定程式烘焙即可!大尺寸液晶顯示螢幕,可幫助使用者清楚紀錄每一段參數作為下一鍋生豆烘焙參考!咖啡烘焙過程充分攪動,透過透明玻璃鍋爐窗口,正確掌握深淺焙度,下豆盤強制冷風加速降溫,有效提升烘焙品質!居家也可烘出焙度均勻的新鮮咖啡! 抽屜式銀皮收集室,事後清理相當便利,不鏽鋼機體,扎實好保養,如果您也想嘗試居家烘豆樂趣,HOTTOP會是您最好的助手!

商品規格 -
機體尺寸:53 x 37 x 30 (cm) / 材質:不鏽鋼.ABS樹脂.PET / 功率:110V. 60HZ / 740W / 產地:台灣