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MOTTA 玫瑰木柄填壓器Ø58mm - 歐弧

Bubinga玫瑰木握柄填壓器 -歐弧

金額: 1100 NT

  METALLURGICA MOTTA srl  成立於1967年,專職生產高品質不銹鋼家居用品~ 完整的產品設計供應業界範圍包括了家居用品、禮品、酒吧或飯店業的餐飲服務項目,完整的品項供應及高質量商品已使MOTTA在意大利及國際市場取得成功的發展! 秉持優良精確的生產傳統,代表著在這個生產領域通過多年的綜合測試,建立產品可靠性,現代化的設計和高質量品質是 MOTTA 成功推向國際的重要基礎! Metallurgica Motta, founded in 1967, has always specialised in the production of household goods in stainless steel.  The complete range of products, which includes household items, gifts and items for bars and the hotel industry, have allowed the company to develop and expand both in Italy and abroad.A Considerable tradition in this field, which implies reliability given by years of consolidated experience, modern design and high quality are the foundations of Metallurgica Motta's success. The up-to-date premisesof 14.000 square metres, 7.000 of which are covered, equipped with the latest machinery permit the greatest variety of manufacture and guarantees our clients the highest quality coupled with speedy consignment.Thanks to all this and to our first-rate commercial organisation today Metallurgica Motta is recognised and appreciated on the major international markets. 商品規格 - 品名:Coffee tamper with "Bubinga" handle - No.111 Convex base (歐弧) Ø58mm / 材質:不鏽鋼,原木 / 產地:義大利