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瓜地馬拉 薇薇特南果 Huehuetenango-SHB

Huehuetenango Highland /227g

金額: 300 NT

薇薇特南果高原位於瓜地馬拉西北部與墨西哥交界,兩邊各臨墨西哥灣及太平洋,擁有充足的灣流水氣,山巒交錯的縱谷地貌,海拔均高約為1500~2000m,亞熱帶原始松木林生態多樣豐富,土壤肥沃,雲霧繚繞,造就了絕佳咖啡培育環境;栽種品種以鐵畢 (Typica),波旁 (Bourbon) 及卡杜拉 (Caturra) 為主,穫期全手工摘採完熟果實,水洗發酵一定時間再進行乾燥,高海拔低溫環境生長,生豆質地扎實硬度高,所孕育的獨特芳香乾淨明亮,微微櫻桃莓果酸香甚為迷人。

Huehuetenango  coffee is grown in the highland regions of northern Guatemala,producing perhaps the most distinguished Guatemalan coffee as it is often considered the best in the country overall.  This coffee taste that is subtle and mild yet still complex and interesting, Guatemalan Huehuetenango has distinctive and delicate fruity tastes,a fairly light body that can sometimes be slightly buttery,a sweet floral aroma and a clean aftertaste that lingers pleasantly on the palate.

Cupping Record -