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日曬耶加雪菲 Natural G1

Yirgacheffe Natural G1/227g

金額: 400 NT

在 Ethiopia 的 Yirgacheffe 區內的由阿利姆水洗處理廠所處理,外圍由 Sidamo 所包圍是一個相當特殊的Mill Station。 在這小區內約有700個小咖啡農各自擁有2至5公頃的土地利用遮蔭市方式栽種,同時最近添購了 Eco-pulper 來減少水資源的浪費。
這次由杯測師所精心挑選的 Yirgacheffe G1 Nature,擁有甜美的漿果類如莓果,草莓,杏桃,茉莉花的自然氣息帶有蜂蜜和榛果類的香氣同時帶有些酒類發酵香氣卻不會過度強烈;屬於比較乾淨的日曬豆,甜度和酸度高口齒留香,如柑橘類或蘋果的甜味和酸香巧克力的餘韻收尾。

This Naturally processed lot is the outcome of very selective hand sorting of cherry both when picking and sorting before drying. Only the ripest cherries were selected, the layers of cherry were kept to as thin as possible and the tables were tended to with turning very regularly to ensure even drying.

The cherries are picked by small holders who deliver to Alemu Washing Station from their farms which average 2 acres each. Total area of these producers is about 888 hectares with an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level as their mean. The farmer group consist of about 600 farmers and together they have an annual production of about 577 metric tonnes.