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瓜地馬拉 拉米尼塔.安堤瓜花神

La Flor Del Cafe-Guatemala /227g

金額: 300 NT


Antigua (安堤瓜)地區是瓜地馬拉國內極富盛名的咖啡產區,栽種海拔帶約1300m~1750m 高山區域,適合咖啡生長完美的涼爽氣候,日夜溫差極大,對於果實的甜度發育及細膩風味形成有著極大的助益,繁密的原始樹林提供良好的遮蔭及防止樹體霜凍,該區仍是一處火山活動頻繁的區域,Antigua位於三座火山中區域,土壤相當肥沃,1932 年其中一座Fuego volcano 噴發,使得許多樹植物腐融於土壤同時也夾帶大量的Volcano Pumice (火山浮石),這有效幫助土壤的通氣性及排水,保持了穩定合適的乾燥度,整體來說,Antigua 先天擁有來自太平洋適宜濕氣及高海拔火山區的原始天然優勢,高品質的咖啡生長質量是必然結果~   

La Minita 拉米妮塔集團(哥斯大黎加)旗下的 Antigua La Flor Del Cafe (安堤瓜花神)是一支知名度極高的精品莊園咖啡!花神即是產於瓜地馬拉.安堤瓜這個得天獨厚的地區,這也難怪拉米妮塔集團願意跨國投入資源來發展培育該區的咖啡栽種事業!花神生豆處理交由知名的 Las Pastores (拉斯.帕托斯)處理場後製,該處理場的品管相當嚴謹,從水洗、日曬至乾燥層層把關,最佳質量的咖啡生豆最後才得以裝入車縫著 Hacienda La Minita 標章的專屬麻布袋出口至全球買家!生豆質地堅硬翠綠,屬高海拔SHB級硬質豆,栽種品種有 Bourbon / Caturra / Catuai 三個品種,其中又以 Bourbon 為主,烘焙後的香氣飽和,口感層次多變,奶油,水果,堅果香氣分段顯出,是一支十分中性的阿拉比卡豆~   

Antigua, Guatemala, is considered by many coffee experts as the world's best coffee growing region: these beans are grown in the perfect climate, dominated by light rains from the Pacific, on the exceptionally mineral-rich soild slopes of the Acatenango and still-active Fuego volcanos (picture above). This is a coffee terroir that imparts a unique taste to the coffee. Our recent Guatemalan Antigua is a well-rounded coffee with exceptional taste: clean, aromatic and classic bittersweet. Always ranks near the top on our blind taste tests. A popular coffee for everyday, all-day drinking. 

The unique characteristics of the Antigua coffees derive from the high pumice content of the soil; which comes from the eruptions of three big volcanos. Most trees are planted in the ashes of the major 1932 eruption of the Fuego volcano. Besides the fresh richness of the soil, the pumice helps maintain the relative humidity of the area at a relatively dry and steady level af about 65 percent all year round.  The resulting "strictly hard bean" coffee seeds have a world-famous taste density.

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