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巴布亞.紐幾內亞 -希格里 Sigri Estate

Sigri Estate-PNG /227g

金額: 300 NT

WR CARPENTER COMPANY-PNG (木匠公司)在巴布亞.紐幾內亞國內擁有約1000公頃阿拉比卡咖啡栽種面積,木匠公司在該國佔 CTC 茶葉及咖啡豆出口量80%,為最大生產商和出口商,每年約出口高品質水洗阿拉比卡豆160萬公斤,CARPENTERE 公司咖啡栽種園區位於西部高地省的 Waghi Valley (瓦吉谷),該區海拔標高約1600m,1957年來自牙買加的阿拉比卡樹苗飄洋過海栽種於這片土地,地處最佳咖啡生長帶也為這些樹苗提供良好的氣候及土壤也為優良的咖啡生產品質帶來得天獨厚的條件!
該公司旗下擁有知名的 "Sigri" 及 "Bunum Wo" 兩支品牌!

位於巴布亞.新幾內亞西部高地的希格里 (SIGRI )莊園成立於50年代,種植的阿拉比卡種咖啡以鐵畢卡 (Typica) 及波旁 (Bourbon) 為主,咖啡樹種植高度約海拔1500公尺,涼爽的氣候及充足的雨水提供咖啡樹良好的生長條件,採收期為每年五月至七月,咖啡豆採收嚴格篩選成熟完整的咖啡櫻桃,去除果肉後,以特有的活水水洗技術處理,確保生豆品質完整!天然日曬乾燥生豆並仔細脫殼分級,天堂鳥莊園每季生豆品質極為穩定,深受歐美咖啡烘焙行家的喜愛!

plantation was established in the 1950s and rapidly gained a reputation that has continued to grow with Sigri being internationally recognised as producing a gourmet coffee equal to the world's best for more than 20 years. All plantings are exclusively Arabica, concentrating on the typical varieties which produce a finer coffee than other Arabica in Papua New Guinea.

Quality control begins in the field. Cherry coffee is hand-picked and carefully checked for uniformity. It must be red and fully ripe which allows the correct balance of sugar and acid within the cherry. This selected cherry is then pulped on the same day of picking. The fermentation process follows with a period of three days broken every 24 hours by washing. However, unlike most other coffees, the Sigri process follows this by total immersion in water for a further day. This creates a superior coffee. Sun drying further enhances the coffee and, unlike many others, all Sigri coffee is dun dried. Careful conditioning, hulling, grading, and hand sorting follows. This combined with rigorous quality control and a final hand sort before packing produces the finest green bean for which Sigri is renowned.

Cupping Record -