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牙買加藍山 Clydesdale Estate

Clydesdale Blue Mountain /227g

金額: 1250 NT

牙買加官方咖啡產業局 -CIB 是100%純正牙買加藍山咖啡監管機構,該機構設立主要是確保牙買加藍山咖啡出口最佳質量!
這與法國葡萄酒協會所建立的 "Appellation d´Origine Controlleé " 簡稱 AOC 品質認證相似;牙買加藍山咖啡認證由官方咖啡產業局主導,法定產區的咖啡生豆須送審檢驗,由局內品保測試專家依標準流程嚴格執行,在法定約28000畝的產區中可通過認證的配額參數只會有9000畝,也就是說每年送件總量只會有不到3分之一通過官方正式認證,裝入各種規格木桶以100% Jamaica Blue Mountain 品牌出口至全球各地!許多來自全球各地的鑑賞家一致同意,牙買家藍山咖啡是世界上最好的咖啡,細緻多層次的香氣,口感飽合,果酸風味相當潔淨,餘味回甘香醇,是一支獨特的豆子!

CLYDESDALE Estate 克列茲咖啡莊園為 The Sharp Family 夏普家族所擁有,目前已是家族第四代經營,莊園座落於西南部 The parish of St. Andrew (聖安得魯教區)海拔平均高度約為1000m,本區同時也是牙買加境內最大的國家公園及森林保護區,牙買加法定栽種區及以此為中心向外擴出,所以也有 "At the Heart of the Blue Mountains " 牙買加藍山之心稱號!
克列茲莊園建立於18世紀後期,當時,來自英國的學者 - Dr. Colin McClarty 科林.麥可克雷提博士至此地訪遊,對於這理的環境風光極為傾心因而長住下來,成立莊園開始了咖啡的栽種,該地區良好的天然栽種條件培育出品質極為卓越的咖啡,在西元1700年開始咖啡豆首次出口!
直至現今 "Clydesdale Estate" 代表著原始栽種區及周圍特定區域延續優良傳統所栽種的高品質 Typica 咖啡,這個位於藍山山脈南邊坡地的古老的栽種區域未來也將繼續生產品質最卓越的藍山咖啡魅惑全球!

The Coffee Industry Board (CIB) of Jamaica is a regulatory body established to protect the quality of Jamaican coffee. Jamaica was the first country in the world to establish a defined geographical location designated to a specific coffee brand, similar to that constructed by the French wine industry with the creation of the AOC (Appellation d´Origine Controlleé). All coffee exported from Jamaica is shipped by the CIB. Rigorous testing by highly trained quality control experts guarantees that all coffee exported is 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain. Of the 28,000 acres dedicated to growing coffee in Jamaica, only 9,000 of these are within the legally defined Blue Mountain parameters. Many connoisseurs agree that Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is the world best. An exquisite balance of aroma, body and acidity is the medley which makes Blue Mountain Coffee very special. However, it is the mellow sweet aftertaste that separates this unique coffee from all others. About CLYDESDALE - Clydesdale Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is fully owned by the Sharp family. For over four generations our family has been involved in the farming business in Jamaica. This is the main reason why we feel so strongly about the welfare of the Jamaican coffee farmer.The main factor that differentiates us from other coffee companies is our deep passion and commitment to produce Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee of the highest possible quality and to provide the most outstanding customer service to our clients.